Sunday, June 23, 2019

Getting S'more Of Jesus | VBS Sunday

This message is a follow up message to our VBS 2019 Outreach.. In this message, Dr. Smilie answers the question, “Who is Jesus?“ and "What Must I Do with Jesus?"

Scripture References: John 1:1-10

Have you ever heard someone speak of another who just has “it”? If so, they were speaking of the “IT Factor”. The IT Factor is that undefinable “something” that makes for star quality in successful people. If there was ever a person who had “it”, it was Moses, the friend of God. In this series, Pastor Smilie will help us understand all that goes into becoming people who, like Moses, have the “IT Factor” for successful Christian living.

Click here to listen

Sunday, June 16, 2019

IT Factor | The Ultimate Father's Day Gift

This message is part of the series titled “IT Factor”. In this message, Dr. Smilie answers the question, “What would God say to me at His Father’s Day celebration?“

Scripture References: Exodus 15:22-27 - 17:1-7

Have you ever heard someone speak of another who just has “it”? If so, they were speaking of the “IT Factor”. The IT Factor is that undefinable “something” that makes for star quality in successful people. If there was ever a person who had “it”, it was Moses, the friend of God. In this series, Pastor Smilie will help us understand all that goes into becoming people who, like Moses, have the “IT Factor” for successful Christian living.

Click here to listen

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Guest Speaker: Bro. Arthur Bush

Bro. Arthur Bush shares his testimony of how the Lord used the Gideons to launch him from his comfort zone into the will of God.

For more information on Bro. Arthur Bush or The Gideons International Ministry, you can click on the link below:

"Why I'm A Member"

Click here to listen

Monday, June 3, 2019

IT Factor | The Problem With Pop Quizzes

This message is part of the series titled “IT Factor”. In this message, Dr. Smilie answers the question, “When can I expect God's pop quizzes?”

Scripture References: Exodus 15:22-27 - 17:1-7

Have you ever heard someone speak of another who just has “it”? If so, they were speaking of the “IT Factor”. The IT Factor is that undefinable “something” that makes for star quality in successful people. If there was ever a person who had “it”, it was Moses, the friend of God. In this series, Pastor Smilie will help us understand all that goes into becoming people who, like Moses, have the “IT Factor” for successful Christian living.

Click here to listen